After Hours & Emergencies
Do you have an emergency? Don't wait! Call 911.
Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
CPR Instructions: Step-by-step instructions
After Hours Phone Coverage
For urgent care, questions and/or concerns that cannot safely wait until the next business day, call our after hours on-call number for medical triage.
January 3, 2023-April 7, 2025: ON CALL NUMBER 1-833-957-4483
Effective April 7, 2025, the new ON CALL NUMBER is 1-301-828-2578. Please update your records accordingly.
- Please note this number is for emergencies only, and we ask that routine calls for your provider or the office wait until the office is open during regular business hours. Please keep in mind that our physicians are not at the hospital or office, they are at home with their families.
- Our providers rotate call coverage therefore the on-call provider is unlikely the same provider you saw in the office that day.
- The on-call provider may not have access to you chart at the time of the call; therefore, when the provider calls please present your reason for calling clearly and succinctly. Also please inform the provider of any chronic medical problems your child may have.
- Our providers cannot make medical diagnosis over the phone. We only can provide advice and depending on your concerns may refer you to an urgent care or pediatric emergency room. The on-call provider will not call in medications. There are no exceptions. If you feel your child is not well and needs a medication, they must be seen.
- Arundel Pediatrics reserves the right to bill you for advice given after hours.
If an emergency should arise, please call 911. Emergencies are considered to be those conditions that are life-threatening: loss of consciousness, severe bleeding, seizure, etc. In the case of minor emergencies (lacerations, cuts, mild fractures, sprains), please call our office first for instructions.
TRiage 4 Pediatrics-Emergency On-Call Physician
January 3, 2023-April 7, 2025: Call 1-833-957-4483
Effective April 7, 2025, the new number is 1-301-828-2578. Please update your records accordingly.
*Arundel Pediatrics reserves the right to bill your insurance company for advice given after hours.
Emergency Contacts
- Poison Control
1-800-222-1222 - Domestic Violence Hotline
410-222-6800 - General Crisis Hotline
410-222-7273 - Teen Suicide Hotline
1-800-273-8255 - Health Department
410-222-7095 - Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline
1-800-422-0009 - National Suicide Prevention Hotiline
1-800-784-2433 - Heroin & Drug Tip Hotline
1-800-752-3784 - County Crisis/Addiction "Warm Line"
410-768-5522 - Before It's Too Late (Opioid Hotline)
1-800-422-0009 - Public School Safety Hotline
24 Hour Nurse Line for Members
- Aetna: 1-800-556-1555
- Aetna Better Health (Medicaid) 24/7 Nurse Line: 1-855-835-2362
- Amerigroup: 1-800-600-4441 Ext. 35940 English/Ext. 35941 Spanish
- Carefirst Blue Cross Blue Shield FirstHelp: 1-800-535-9700
- Cigna: 1-800-CIGNA-24
- Coventry: 1-888-435-0428
- GEHA 24/7 Nurse Line: 1-888-257-4342
- Humana: 1-800-622-9529
- Johns Hopkins EHP: 1-866-796-1855
- Johns Hopkins USFHP: 1-866-444-3008
- Kaiser 24/7 Nurse Line: 1-800-777-7904
- Priority Partners: 1-877-839-5414
- Riverside Health: 1-800-730-8530 then Option 4, Option 4, Option 2
- Tricare: 1-800-874-2273
- United Healthcare: 1-800-237-4936
- UPMC24/7 Nurse Line: 1-866-918-1591