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Address: 1460 Ritchie Highway, Suite 209, Arnold, MD 21012
Phone: 410-789-7337 | Fax: 410-349-1107

Arundel Pediatrics is Partnering with Hello Pediatrics!

Arundel Pediatrics is Partnering with Hello Pediatrics! 

Starting April 7, 2025, we're making after-hours care even easier for our patient families! When our office is closed during evenings, weekends (outside of our Saturday office hours), and holidays, you will have TWO ways to get the care you need:

📞 EFFECTIVE APRIL 7, 2025-NEW ON-CALL NUMBER: 1-301-828-2578
Call this number for triage, to have the on-call provider paged, or to receive medical advice when our office is closed.

💻 Telemedicine with Hello Pediatrics
When our office is closed, you can connect with board-certified pediatricians at Hello Pediatrics via telemedicine—billed to your insurance! This helps keep your child out of urgent care or the ER, unless absolutely necessary. Plus, we’ll follow up the next day after your visit. 

Telemedicine Hours:

  • Monday to Friday 5pm to 12am
  • Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 12pm to 12am
  • For more info, visit 👉 hellopediatrics.com

To create your account for after hours telemedicine services starting on Monday, April 7, 2025 click here 

We’re committed to keeping your family healthy—day or night! 💙

Our Featured Pediatric Services

Arundel Pediatrics remains at the forefront of pediatric medicine as our providers stay current on policies, procedures as the recommendations are set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics.